Sharing or living together?
I wonder if people read blogs like this, would anybody read this blog without invitation? I hope so as this blog is more like a diary than a message system. I used it to communicate about my travels in 2006. I got comments and e-mails from friends. Now I write when I feel like expressing my emotions,which I am not very good at. Can people make us mad or is it that our reactions will make us mad? Not reacting to some comments will give, I think, a sense of approval to the other person or simply that we are careless about their actions. Does it always depend on our objective of letting people know how we feel or is it just at outburst of the moment. This morning I saw a little kid pedaling his little bike, he was learning. He was looking down his feet to make sure they were on the right position. At that point I thought: I wish I can focus on one thing only and forget about the world.